Automated traffic control systems
TRAFFIC-SL is a smart road control system developed by Softline. It is one of the top three ATCS solutions in the Russian Federation.

Problems solved:
- Increasing the speed of vehicles on the street and road network equipped with traffic lights.
- Reducing the time required for Traffic Control Center employees to respond to traffic changes.
Benefits of TRAFFIC-SL by Softline:
- A modern Russian-made open-source product with a unified web-based user interface.
- Advantageous pricing policy for turnkey projects and low cost of system ownership.
- Integration with the customer's IT solutions (ground transport navigation systems, traffic camera systems, road weather monitoring systems, parking lot management systems, etc.) and peripheral equipment from most vendors.
- Scalability—expanding the range of tasks solved without a significant increase in computing capacity.
- Modularity—optimal configuration for the customer's needs.
- Available as a service from the MS Azure cloud.